If a girl you like isn't giving you positive responses over text, this article is for you.
Especially if...
- It seems like she holds all the power in the interaction and you feel weak
- She acts "bitchy" and tries to be "dominant" with her responses
- You want to take things further, but you don't know how to get her interested
If any of the above is true, it probably means you aren't using enough masculine communication. Once you do, you'll notice her give you better reactions and it will be much easier to get her to go out with you.
What is Chemistry?
When you take control and use masculine communication, you start triggering chemistry inside of a girl.
Chemistry in a girl gets sparked when you communicate with man-to-woman polarity.
Whenever you are giving off "masculine energy"... it makes a woman feel more "feminine"... which then makes you feel even MORE masculine and you both become attracted to each other. When this happens, you both literally FEEL CHEMISTRY inside your bodies.
When you get a girl feeling this way, you start giving her thoughts like "I hope he makes a move on me and kisses me. I wonder when he'll do it..."
However, most men just don't "get" how to act masculine.
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This dog and deer know how to create chemistry |
See, when you use too much feminine communication, you DEPOLARIZE the interaction and chemistry cannot happen. Instead of acting like a man, you're acting like one of her girlfriends or gay best friends.
That's why it's important to know how to inject masculine communication into your conversations and text messaging.
Because when you know how to create chemistry with a girl over text, it will be that much easier to get her out on a date.
Ok now that we've covered the basics, it's time to give you some examples.
I'm going to give you a few tips and techniques that you can start using right away. Sound good?
4 Example Ways to Create Chemistry With a Girl Over Text
1. More Statements, Less Questions
The first one's simple. Too many questions makes you lose your masculine "edge" and makes you seem more "feminine."
Of course, I'm not saying you should take out every single question. Otherwise it would be impossible to communicate.
What I'm saying is that some guys OVERLY ask way too many questions and because of it they don't come across attractive.
Instead, the communication becomes depolarized and loses its chemistry.
If you realize you are asking too many questions, think deep about WHY you felt you had to ask those questions. You see, when you are too REACTIVE and "permission-seeking" with a woman, you tend to ask more questions. Your tone becomes like a little boy asking his mommy for approval.
So let's avoid that, ok?
Instead try making more STATEMENTS rather than questions.
Statements are confident, assertive, and they dominate the conversion. That's why statements are MASCULINE communication.
When you text a girl "just had a cup of coffee brewed by the hand of GOD" or a statement about a funny experience you had that day... you are being the DIRECTOR of the conversation and leading the interaction to where you want it to go.
The statement then causes the girl to react and then ask you a question (a feminine response).
And now you can better imagine how an attractive conversation will go. If you are able to talk to a woman and get into a rhythm of using masculine communication, while she reacts with feminine communication, you can build the conversation up to a date, a kiss, etc...
2. Be Decisive When Making a Date
Most men are too wishy-washy with women when making plans to meet up.
Instead of being decisive, they become accommodating, permission-seeking, and they let the girl lead because they're afraid she won't like the date idea.
However, this communicates MASSIVE WEAKNESS.
And here's why...
If you're trying to persuade the girl to go out with you by "selling" the date idea and how great it's going to be... you're subtly communication that you're not worthy enough!
See, if a girl likes you, it doesn't matter where she goes with you.
What matters is the interaction between the two of you, the actual date idea is just background music.
The important thing is that you create a fun-filled romantic opportunity
for sex to happen.
If you feel the need to "sweeten the pot"... if you feel you need external things to convince her to agree to a date, the woman is going to sense you don't value yourself and she will lose attraction for you.
Instead of asking "where do you want to meet?"
say "Ok, this is where I can meet you"
or "Here's what I have planned"
or "This is where I'll be, join me if you want"
Instead of asking "what do you want to do?" say "this is what we're going to do"
Remember, you are the prize.
So be decisive. Set the date. It doesn't matter where it is... as long as you make the logistics lead to sex.
You're giving her a chance to experience you and the positive emotions you're going to give her.
3. Keep it Short -- You Value Your Time
A) Text conversations kill chemistry.
If you want a woman's attraction to fizzle out, get into text conversations that go nowhere.
Here's an interesting fact about female psychology. Women feel that when there's chemistry, things will happen fast. If they don't happen fast, she rationalizes you must not be "the one" otherwise "getting physical" would have happened already.
B) When You Have Options, Time is Precious
When you're in abundance and texting a bunch of girls, you don't waste time texting one girl for a long time.
No, you get to the point and make plans to meet up.
Whenever you're acting like you have an abundance of girls to date, women sense this and become really impressed. Because they see you are a wanted man of value.
C) Masculine Energy Makes You Aligned With INTENT
When you're in abundance and you want to get to the point, you don't get into wishy-washy conversations where you aren't clearly at least suggesting what you want with a girl.
Your intent with a girl is usually to make plans to meet and have a fun-filled experience that leads to sex.
Masculine energy suggests this intent all along the way. When it does, it creates chemistry.
Therefore, your text messaging should incorporate some intent. Your texts should strategically suggest that intent, make a connection, and schedule a meet up.
4. Masculine Energy Doesn't Wait For Permission to Go For What it Wants
The biggest mistake men make is waiting for more proof that a girl likes them without ever making a move.
They get mixed signals from the girl, and are unsure, so they sit and wait without ever getting her out.
But what really happens if you do this, is that you're AVOIDING getting out of your comfort zone.
You're afraid of rejection so much that you wait for more permission from the woman.
It's like you want the woman to say "Ok I have feelings for you, you can go ahead and make a move on me now, thanks."
But when you do this, you are letting HER be the masculine one... which doesn't spark chemistry at all.
Learn to embrace rejection. And you know what? Most of your success comes when you have the possibility of rejection.
Because EVOLUTION occurs only OUTSIDE of your COMFORT ZONE.
There you have it. Hope you have a better idea of how to create chemistry with a girl over text and hope this article helped you understand how to use "masculine communication" with a girl.
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