Monday, April 23, 2018

How to Re-Attract Your Ex Girlfriend Back to You

When your girlfriend doesn't "feel it" anymore and decides to leave you... you feel like your whole world has ended.

Your mind scrambles to find answers as to why she lost attraction, and most importantly, how to get her back.

And this all comes down to this question: How do you make a girl get "feelings" for you again?

Keep reading, because the real answer to this might shock you.

And it all starts with this 1 critical fact about attraction:

Attraction Isn't "Set in Stone"

Just as a woman falls "in love with you" when her attraction level ramps up high enough... she can fall out of love with you when she loses the attraction.

The tides of attraction can change. Your girl seemed so in love with you before, now she's gone completely cold and you have no idea how it happened.

It hurts when you notice a girl start to slowly fade away.

  • She doesn't reply to your texts like before...
  • She doesn't call you by your petname like before...
  • She doesn't include you in your future plans like she did before...

(Here are more signs your girlfriend doesn’t love you anymore)

At the pit of your stomach... you sense something is VERY wrong.

You just FEEL something bad is going to happen... and soon enough, she gives you the "talk".

She says she wants to take a "break"... says she doesn't "feel the same anymore" or maybe she gives an excuse like you two aren't compatible, or she doesn't date guys who are younger, or much older, etc.

Whatever reason she gives, it's her way of rationalizating why she lost attraction for you. But the important is that she lost the ATTRACTION. That's what really matters.

Why Did She Lose Attraction?

Women become attracted to you due to the way you carry yourself... but they can lose attraction when you change your behavior and start acting weak.

This often happens when you get fearful, insecure feelings... and she feels you are getting too needy.

If a woman ever mentions that she feels smothered, or that you're acting clingy, it's a strong sign that you're becoming too needy and it's turning her off.

When you lose your masculine spark and you start acting like an insecure little wuss, women get turned off and become distant. What's worse is that when she fades away, you act even more insecure and it makes the problem worse and worse until it all ends in a downward spiral.

The Good News

Ok, here's some good news. (Finally right?)

The good news is that, as I said before, attraction isn't "set in stone".

If you change the way you carry yourself it's very possible to re-attract your ex girlfriend back to you.

But to do this, you must radically change the way you think RIGHT NOW.

The reason is that the way you're thinking at this moment is probably a distortion of reality.

See, you're doing the things that a part of you thinks will re-attract your ex girlfriend back... while a different, wiser part of you knows that doing the same things that got you bad results won't get you the good result you want.

However, you are confused on what to do... so you're just instinctively doing things because you feel you at least have to do SOMETHING.

In this article, you will learn the steps and mindsets that re-attract your ex girlfriend back to you:

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