Tuesday, April 3, 2018

She Lost Interest? Here's How to Get it Back

When a woman you like doesn't like you back, it drives you crazy.

You really want her, but you fear you will never have her.

Your brain spins around trying to come up ways to make her like you.

If a girl isn't reciprocating your affection, the good news is that there is a way to turn this situation around.

This article reveals something called "the *SECRET* pattern of interaction" that you can use to your advantage to make a woman get an urge to sleep with you:

She lost interest? How to Get it Back by Breaking the Pattern of interaction

The bad news is that it's very hard to break this pattern once it's settled.

One reason is that we are creatures of habit.

But the most important reason is that you're so dependent on this girl's VALIDATION.

See, you don't want to break the pattern because you don't want to break rapport. You need this girl's approval to feel good about yourself. It's like you're the little puppy and she's the mommy and you need her approval to have a sense of IDENTITY.

However, if you want to sleep with this woman and make her feel a strong attraction for you, you must first step out of your comfort zone, and do what needs to be done.

Because here's harsh truth is this:

If a girl isn't attracted to you, it's because she feels you are "lower-status" than her.

Moreover, she doesn't see you as someone she can be more than friends with... she doesn't imagine
getting romantic or sexual with you.

This is an image she has in her mind that you have to change.


By doing things that break that image and make her think of you differently.

When you do behaviors that plant ideas in her mind and she starts imagining what it'll be
like to sleep with you, then she thinks "This guy isn't who I thought he was, he is different".

And that's when her image of you changes, and she starts feeling attraction for you.

How to make this happen?

Learn more here.

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