Tuesday, June 13, 2017

How to Make a Woman Fall in Love With You

watch How to Make a Woman Fall in Love With You on YouTube  

In this video, Bobby and Rob reveal how to make a woman fall in love with you.

Now I will summarize the video. (For a more in-depth summary, go to this article)

There's always that moment when you're falling in love with that special girl.

Things are going well. She always responds to your texts, and laughs at your jokes...

But then one day you text her...

An hour goes by, she doesn't respond...

Two hours go by, and she still hasn't responded.

A whole day goes by and now you're seriously worried.

Finally she replies, but you can tell something is "OFF."

Her texts are emotionless, COLD, and she doesn't seem as excited to talk to you as she did before.

In your stomach, you get this feeling... that you KNOW something has changed.

This happened to me with a girl I was seeing.

We would text almost every day, until suddenly with no warning she stopped texting me for an entire week.

When this happens, what do us men do? We think "Maybe I didn't show her that I liked her enough... I should be more romantic"

But it's almost never that we didn't show our feelings enough. In fact, it's usually because we said TOO MUCH!

Oftentimes, the reason women lose attraction are the things you'd least expect!

When you show them you like them too much, you've become too predictable, they lose the spark they feel for you.

Why does this happen?

I'll share with you a little secret on the intriguing nature of female psychology.

If you have a bad habit of causing women to stop talking to you, because they feel you've gotten too boring and predictable... then pay attention and learn about the power of uncertainty.

How Uncertainty Makes a Woman Fall in Love With You

The more uncertain she is about whether you want a relationship or not, the more she's going to wonder about you when you're away.

On the other hand, if she knows you are a "sure thing", she know you're always there, and so she won't put any effort to win you over.

It's like watching a movie.

When you're watching a movie we've already seen, you already know the end of it, and it's not as exciting as the first time you watch it.

It's a bit more boring and predictable, so you flip the channel and look for something new.

The same happens with a girl when you become to boring and predictable. She flips the channel and looks for another guy.

However, when you know the behaviors that get women to wonder about you, you can get a girl so emotionally invested in you, that she starts falling in love with you.

How to make her obsessed? Learn how to make a girl obsess over you here.

Friday, June 9, 2017

How to Stop Being the Nice Guy With Women

Bobby and Rob teach you how to stop being the nice guy on the video below.

watch How to Stop Being the Nice Guy With Women on YouTube

In this article, I will talk about typical nice guy behaviors that make you suck with women.

In fact, a lot of it has to do with "social conditioning."

Mainstream society is notorious for giving us horrible advice on attracting women... and it turns many of us into nice guy "WUSSIES".

What Everyone Usually Says

Whenever we get advice from movies, or people you know, what do they typically say?

They say "You should just be yourself and everything will be just fine" or... "you should tell her how you feel"

That's the usual mainstream advice that you hear.

However, the advice"just be yourself" can be easily used as an excuse to avoid walking through fear... something that is crucial to evolving as a man. For example, of there's a pretty girl you're afraid to approach, it's very easy to justify "I don't feel like I'm being myself when I approach her, therefore, I will stay here in my comfort zone."

Similarly, the grand act of revealing your feelings to a girl will probably end in rejection if you don't understand how attraction works.

How does attraction work? Well let's first start by eliminating your nice guy mistakes.

If you follow the mainstream advice you hear in the media, you've probably turned into a nice guy... and there are mistakes nice guys typically do that cause them to lose girls.

Nice Guys Put Women on Pedestals

Never put the woman on a pedestal.

Nice guys do it, but what does it mean?

Putting a girl on a pedestal means you are giving your power away to her. You are trying to hard to be an approval-seeking pleaser, that you sacrifice yourself and let her have anything she wants.

You probably lost a few girls because of this. I know I have... and the hurt teaches us a very important lesson: Don't supplicate to women by putting them on pedestals!

Subtle Ways You Might Be Supplicating to Women

You probably are more aware of the obvious ways to give our power away to women, but what about the more subtle things that we do "automatically"?

There are subtle ways we supplicate without even noticing and it makes women lose attraction for us.

For example...

You're seeing a girl. She likes hip hop, while you like rock music. Whenever this girl gets in your car, she changes the radio station to hip hop music... and you just let her do this even though you don't like it.

Because in your mind, you feel she's more important than you.

Again, it's very subtle when this happens, but deep down, you feel that it's more important that enjoys the music, than you enjoying it.

Now chivalry and being cool is one thing. But this is about not putting yourself BELOW the girl in fear that she won't like you if you don't please her.

Instead, put both you and her on an EQUAL level

That's how to stop being the nice guy.

Another example...

You're at the bar and a girl goes up to you and says "Will you buy me a drink?"

Typically, there are two extremes guys take here. One is the nice guy who will eagerly buy her a drink. The other is guy who heard "stop being so nice, don't buy women drinks"... and so he comes off as a combative jerk.

What to do instead? Here's what you do...

When a girl says "buy me a drink" say "sure I'll buy you a drink, but first get us a couple of tables so we can sit and talk"

Again, you two are on an equal level.

Which means, if you're going to do things for her, she's also going to do things for you!

So if she asks for a favor...

You make sure she also does something for you so she contributes!

Same goes for if she wants to change the radio station.

You say "I'll let you listen to Hot97, but only if you sing me the first verse of Bohemian Rhapsody."

Boom, you make sure she also contributes... so that you're not just this nice guy bending over backwards doing favors for the girl.

And when there's a nice balance of both of you doing things for each other, that's a great interaction.

Because want to know the secret to making a girl fall in love with you? It's INVESTMENT.

Look, if you can get a girl to invest and do things for you, then you're IN!

Because once she starts investing, she backwards rationalizes "I must really like this guy otherwise I wouldn't be doing all these things for him".

And this is secret of why "jerks" get girls.

It's not that he is "mean" to her and that the nice guy is "nice".

It's this...

The nice guy = invests way too much on a girl while she does nothing

The jerk = invests only a little, but knows exactly how to get a woman to invest in them (and women LOVE it when you make them work to win you over)

That's how to stop being the nice guy.

Next: Read 3 Nice Guy Mistakes Men Make With Women

Thursday, June 8, 2017

3 Nice Guy Mistakes Men Make With Women

Bobby Rio and Rob Judge reveal the 3 nice guy mistakes men make with women
that lead to rejection.

watch 3 Nice Guy Mistakes Men Make With Women on YouTube

These are "romantic moves" men do that backfire on them.

Instead of the move conquering the girl, the girl loses attraction and the guy gets hurt.

Let's start with mistake #1.

Nice Guy Mistake #1: Sending a Girl Flowers or Giving Her Gifts

This comes from the line of thinking that you have to make the "big move" to show a girl how much you like her, and once she sees how much you like her, she will magically like you too.

However, nothing is further from the truth.

This mentality has failed countless men throughout mankind... and it's because of two reasons.

First, a woman becomes attracted to you as a result of the way you make her feel when she's around you. She likes how your personality makes her FEEL CHEMISTRY inside... she doesn't get feelings of attraction because of a particular gift you bought her.

That's why it's so important to understand how to make women feel attraction.

And second, sending gifts and flowers sends the wrong message.

Using gifts to lure women says to the world "I have nothing of value to offer with my personality... and I have no game... so I'm taking out my wallet and buying you this gift to make up for it in the hopes that it'll get you to like me."

I hope you understand this... because it's very important to get.

Now let's go over the next mistake.

Nice Guy Mistake #2: Confessing Your Feelings

This one goes like this:

As you start to really fall for your girl, the tension inside of you builds up until you can't take it anymore and you make the BIG MOVE of telling her you have feelings for her.

Then as the "moment of truth" gets closer and closer, you fantasize what her response is going to be like. You convince yourself that she's going to realize how romantic your gesture is and she'll confess her feelings back to you.

However, you are crushed when your girl gives you the "let's just be friends" talk. You feel worse when she says "You are so sweet... I know you'll find a great girl!"

This is what happens when you let your guard down and you let yourself revert into your "inner" WUSSY.

It turns out this is one of the common mistakes men make.

Once you start thinking "Na... this girl is different... she's SPECIAL!" ...you go back to acting like little boys.

Nice Guy Mistake #3: Being Too Available

The nice guy is always too available.

It's like his whole purpose in life is to be there for the girl.

However, women secretly hate it when you make them your purpose.

Women want you to ALREADY have a purpose. They want you to already be on a path in life, so that then she tags along on that path by your side.

When you have a life with a career, passions, goals you are striving for...
women love it and become intrigued by you.

Now let me tell you another secret.

Here's something to watch out for...

Women often try to see if they can knock you OFF your path to make HER your path. If you give in and sacrifice your purpose and instead make "pleasing the woman" your purpose, she will lose attraction and she won't be able to know why.

However, if instead, you don't budge and you maintain the course, she becomes even MORE fascinated by you.

This is exactly why girls are attracted to jerks. They aren't attracted because jerks are mean, they are attracted to jerks because they can't have them completely. They are too hard to catch!

Similarly, women are attracted to men who are so grounded in their purpose that they can't be caught.

I just went over 3 nice guy mistakes men make with women.

I explained why we make these mistakes, and why you lose women because of them.

Now the question becomes, "How DO I attract women?"

Fair enough, I just showed you what NOT to do so it's fair to ask "WHAT" to do.

Something you want to know is that there exists an "attraction blueprint" to make a girl chase you.

It has a lot to do with the fact that women feel attracted to men they feel they had to work for.

Therefore the more a woman invests to win you over, the more she will convince herself she is falling for you.

Towards the end of this article you'll learn the behaviors you must do make a woman feel she has to win you over... because she's constantly thinking about you in her mind (the beginning of the article covers the 3 nice guy mistakes I just showed you).

Monday, May 22, 2017

How to Make a Girl Obsess Over You

watch How to Make a Girl Obsess Over You on YouTube  

Want to know how to make a girl obsess over you? Then make sure you watch the video above.

In the video, Bobby and Rob talk about how to make a girl obsessed with you.

Now, I will summarize the video (for a more in-depth summary, go to this article)

In this article, I will reveal the secret reason women become so obsessed over the so-called "bad boys"... and the reason you're not getting the same results as them.

Hint: It's not that you're a good guy and not enough of a "jerk". Instead, it has more to do with mistakes that stop you from creating an "obsession" in women.

Let's start with a couple mistakes I see men make ALL THE TIME.

Mistake #1: Revealing Your Feelings

When it comes to attraction there's a "game" involved. You can't just rush in and spill your guts revealing how you feel. No, you have to play it right.

If you play this game correctly, you can get a girl to become INSANELY attracted to you.

Why does this game need to be played? Well, imagine that the game of dating is a movie. When the girl experiences this movie with you, you can't just reveal the spoilers within the first five minutes.

You can't do that because it will ruin the movie!

When you already know the ending of the movie before you watch it... how do you feel? It isn't exciting anymore... and you get bored.

Same thing happens with a girl who was interested in you but you ruined it by telling her your feelings and making it obvious that you already want to be her boyfriend.

She gets bored, and looks for a more exciting option...

If there was another guy chasing her who she also liked, she now starts giving him attention instead of you.

Now to be clear, when I say "revealing your feelings" I'm talking about "relationship" feelings.

Which leads me to the next wrong mindset men have...

Mistake #2: Acting Like You Want to Be Her Boyfriend Too Early

It's bad if you act like you want to be her boyfriend early on.

However, it's perfectly ok, and even RECOMMENDED... that she knows you want her sexually.

This is because a man with many options doesn't try to rush into a relationship with a girl he barely met a week ago.

This follows the principle of ABUNDANCE: When you act like a man of many options... you naturally act in a way that triggers attraction in women.

If you have abundance (many options)...

1. You don't mind being bold and taking risks by communicating to women that you want them sexually, and...
2. It takes time to win you over as a boyfriend.

Remember this, don't act like you want to be her boyfriend... act like her LOVER.

You agreeing to be her boyfriend is the PRIZE that she works to obtain.

This follows the principle of INVESTMENT: A girl who puts in effort to win your attention convinces herself that she is attracted to you.

That's how you make a girl obsess over you!

How Pre-Selection With Women Gets You Girls

Let's talk about pre-selection.

Being aware of pre-selection with women is critical to making girls want you.

watch Pre-Selection With Women on YouTube

What is Pre-Selection With Women?

Pre-Selection is the principle that girls are attracted to guys they think other girls are attracted to.

Whenever a girl sees that other girls are interested in a guy, it's like they have "proof" that the guy MUST be attractive, otherwise women wouldn't act that way around him.

Ever had a girlfriend and then noticed other girls were into you and you were like where the hell were these girls when I was single? This is the phenomenon of "pre-selection with women".

The same happens when we see an ugly guy with a pretty girl. We assume has has good game.

The good news is that, when they at first meet you, girls can't actually tell if you have "good game"... they only go by the superficial signals they get from you.

This means that you can use pre-selection with women to give off "I have good game and am wanted by other women" signs, and the girl will become attracted to you.

However, many guys don't realize it, but they give off "I don't get many women" signs.

And this is horrible for their success with women.

Ways Men Give Off "I'm Not Wanted By Women" Signals

1. Facebook

If you look at the pictures of that hot girl in your circle of frames... you'll
always find that guy who's the first to comment on her

2. Texting

If you text too much, send long texts, and get into long conversations, the girl will think "this guy is just sitting around waiting for me to text him... he's got nothing else going for him in his life"

Phone Tip

That's why it's a good policy to put your phone in silent and not check it for a few hours when talking to a girl you have a crush on.

The Ultimate Way to Give off the "I Am Wanted By Other Women" Vibe: Use the Cat String Theory!

This is the idea that women are like cats chasing a string. As long as you have the string in front of her... she will chase it. However, the minute she gets the string she starts getting bored.

You are the string. If she senses she got you too "easy"... she will get bored and stop feeling attraction for you.

That's why you must remember this:

BE the prize. Even though they might act like it sometimes... women don't want to be the prize... They want you to be the prize so they are chasing you to win you over.

This is the principle of "investment"...

Meaning: The more you can make a woman put in effort and do things for you, the more she will feel convinced that she's trying to win you over and this will cause her to become attracted to you.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

When a Woman Tells You She's Not Ready For a Relationship

It's always confusing when a woman tells you she's not ready for a relationship.

On one hand, you know she likes you. She even directly told you.

You've even held hands, made out, and even acted like a couple.

What could be wrong?

As you spend time wondering what's going through her head, you start to worry about her.

Are you doing something wrong? Are her feelings for you fading? Does she also like another guy?!

watch "When a Girl Says She's Not Ready For a Relationship" on Youtube

When a woman tells you she's not ready for a relationship, you have to get things right.

This is a critical moment in time that determines the future of the relationship.

What you do next, and the way you behave determines whether you take the "relationship" to the next level... or whether she loses attraction for you.

What Most Men Do When The Girl They're Seeing Says She Isn't Ready For a Relationship

Look, a woman you're seeing will at one point or another go at least slightly cold.

The reason has nothing to do with you. Women are emotional creatures that sometimes need space to themselves to work feelings out. It has nothing to do with you!
she says she doesn't want a boyfriend right now

The problem is when men think something is "wrong" when the woman goes distant.

When he sees her fading away, what do his instincts tell him to do? CHASE CHASE CHASE.

Instead of giving her space, he crowds her more.

She realizes he's dependent on her. She senses he lacks strength to hold his own without her attention "validating" his self-esteem... and because of it she loses attraction.

So when a girl says she's not ready for a relationship, the inexperienced guy tries to find ways to convince her even MORE to get in a relationship with him.

What's more, he compensates by demonstrating his "good potential boyfriend" qualities as an attempt to sell himself as relationship material.

This is actually the wrong way to go about it.

Because once you aim to show her your good boyfriend qualities, to stop creating the attraction required to make her fall in love with you over time.

She doesn't "fall in love" with you by analyzing your good boyfriend qualities and becoming logically convinced that she should be your girlfriend.

No. She falls in love EMOTIONALLY because you're acting like a lover that hits on her emotions and makes her think of you when you're not around. (This deserves to be a post on its own)

How to Make Her Want a Relationship

There is a natural process a woman goes through in her mind before she decides she wants to be in a relationship with you.

People often say "men enjoy the chase"... but women secretly don't want men to chase them. Instead, women want to be the ones who win over "their" man.

A woman wants to be the one who puts in the effort to "lure" the man and get him wanting to be her boyfriend.

When a woman realizes she is putting in effort and investing in you, her mind backwards rationalizes "I must really like this guy, otherwise I wouldn't be investing all this time in him."

In psychology, this is called the principle of "effort justification".

On the other hand, if she feels a guy is too "easy", she quickly loses attraction. That's why guys who throw themselves at women typically get the "friend zone."

He isn't a challenge at all. She feels like she's already got him!

This is why you shouldn't get into "relationship mode" too quickly.

Instead, this is what you should do.

Only focus on being a LOVER at first.

At the beginning when you first start dating, only focus on hanging out, hooking up, and having fun.

Don't bring up any "feelings" talk or relationship label talk... only focus on the present moment and creating fun opportunities for sex to happen.

Make a date once a week, and as time goes by, she will slowly fall in love with you.

Here's why:

Because when you are relaxed, confident, and non-needy of the outcome, you can easily have fun and this creates tons of attraction.

This is the behavior that gets a woman fantasizing to be your girlfriend.

She will start wondering if she's the only woman you're seeing... or if she's your favorite... and then she will want to win you over! (Remember effort justification)

And if you get a woman really thinking about you when you're away... you've GOT HER!

So what will she do? She will start bring up the "relationship vibe." She will start asking you "so... what are we?"... and then you can decide whether or not you want to be "official" with her.

But have patience... be independent of the outcome... and remember to be a LOVER first, boyfriend later.

That's how you make a woman want a relationship with you.

If you're ever in doubt, consider this a guide of what to do when a woman tells you she's not ready for a relationship.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

How to Get Your Wife Back Before Divorce - 3 Dangerous Myths

In this article, you'll learn how to get your wife back before divorce.

If you feel that you let your wife go, but now wish more than anything to get her back... then this is the most important article you're ever going to read.

Here's why:

Right now, we are facing a divorce epidemic. America in particular, is facing the highest divorce rates EVER. Today in America, it is expected that 40-55% of all marriages will FAIL in divorce!

Let that sink in for a second.

This means that half of all "just married" posts you see on Facebook (you know... the ones with hundreds of likes and happy comments from friends and family)... will end in divorce. Half of all
the marriages you attend this summer will not be "happily ever after."

They won't last!

Sorry to be such a party-pooper, but it's important for you to understand why this happens if you want to get your wife back.

Why are marriages working out less and less?

Part of it has to do with what you've been led to believe by society. The media, our friends, our family, and even Hollywood movies have brainwashed us to believe the wrong process of how "attracting a woman" works. As well-intentioned as some of the advice may be, it actually makes men SUCK with women.

If you do what everyone else does, you have a high chance of becoming part of the tragic divorce statistic.

Take the time to learn what it takes to get your wife back before divorce, and you will be able to pull through and your wife will be back in your arms again.

So let's go over some big mistakes you're probably making. In particular, there are 3 myths of what everyone says you should do to save your marriage that actually make things WORSE.

3 Dangerous Myths That Stop You From Getting Your Wife Back

There are 3 myths everyone gives you as "advice" when it comes to getting your wife back.

Myth #1: "Communication is the Key to a Great Relationship"

This may be true, but only in a healthy relationship with a solid foundation of love, trust, and respect.

But NOT if you're in a BROKEN relationship where your wife sees you as weak.

Because when your wife has hardened her heart for you, communicating how you love her, miss her, and want her back... only makes you come across WEAKER.

That's why I always recommend going "no contact" whenever a student asks me for help after a breakup. No contact stops you from impulsively sending your wife texts that pour out your feelings and beg her to take you back.

Instead, you should be coming from a position of STRENGTH.

And what being strong means for you right now, is that you should NEVER EVER EVER beg your wife to take you back.

And now the next myth...

Myth #2: "Lavish Her With Gifts to Win Her Affection Back"

You might get this type of advice from your buddies during "locker room" talk.

To compensate for the fact that you're behaving in a way that pushes your wife away... you shower her with gifts with the hopes that it will magically make her eager to take you back.

However, this is the WRONG move. It will not work.

Why? Because it doesn't fix the underlying fundamental problem that's making her fall out of love with you.

Buying her more things isn't going to change it, and it further pushes her away because she feels you don't "get" how to make her want you back again.

Also, she knows you are trying to get her back with EXTERNAL things like gifts, and not because she wants to get back with you for WHO YOU ARE.

I mean, do you really want to be with a woman who is with you because of the material things you provide for her... and not because she just loves being around you? This only filters for dishonesty and gold-diggers.

So if you're sending flowers to her work... or if you're thinking about getting her that necklace she's being wanting for a while... DON'T DO IT.

Buying meaningful gifts in a relationship is totally fine... but when the relationship bond is already weak, and you're buying her gifts as an attempt to compensate for her not feeling attraction for you anymore... and you're giving her a gift as a means to "bribe" her to take you back... it will only do more DAMAGE to the already weakened relationship.

It's like there's a big hole in the relationship, and you're trying to patch it up with material things. But you're still ignoring the hole. It will still persist.

Instead... you want to give your wife one "magic" feeling that makes her eager to get back together with you. I'll tell you about what this feeling is in a minute, but first let's go over the 3rd myth.

Myth #3: "Show Her How Much You Care and She'll Realize it and Take You Back"

Another myth perpetuated by Hollywood and the media.

Time and time again, romantic comedies teach us that the way to a woman's heart is to prove to her that you really love her... and then when she realizes this... she will magically fall back in love with you again.

Men try this, and then proceed to attempt to fix their broken marriage with thoughtful actions like

  • Saying "I love you" more often
  • Helping her out with her problems
  • Making more special "date nights"
  • Sending her cute little texts to show her you're thinking about her
  • Being there for her

Once again, these things are AWESOME when a relationship is already thriving.

When a relationship is broken, however, it only makes the problem worse.

These "thoughtful" actions fail not because you didn't prove to her that you cared. Trust me, she already KNOWS that you care. These behaviors fail because they don't address the fundamental issue
with the relationship.

Do you what the issue is?

These seemingly romantic behaviors don't work because they don't make the woman feel that 1 specific feeling she needs to feel to want to be back with you.

What is this feeling?


Attraction is it!

Making your wife feel attraction for you is the most important thing you need to focus on if you ever want to get her back.

Learning to make attracted to you is the path to saving your marriage and stopping your divorce.

Once you start making her feel attraction for you again, she'll start doubting her decision to leave you, and she'll start wanting to make the marriage work.

However, right now she sees you as WEAK.

I'm sorry, but this is the reality you have to work with... for now.

You simply aren't triggering enough attraction in her. Plus, if you're doing any of the behaviors listed in myths 1 through 3 on this article... you're making her even LESS attracted.

This is because the "romantic gestures" I mentioned only make her feel PRESSURED and MANIPULATED. She probably sees right through these gestures and automatically throws up an "emotional wall" that makes her hesitant to reconnect with you emotionally.

She doesn't want to be tricked to get back with you. She wants to be truly attracted... and secretly, she hopes you are able to do it.

Because she once felt attraction for you. That's why she married you! It's just that somewhere along the way, you started acting weak... probably without even knowing it.

I hope this article has shown you how to get your wife back before divorce by helping you identify any weak behaviors... and best of luck with re-attracting your wife back!

How to Create Chemistry With a Girl Over Text By Using "Masculine Communication"

Today we will learn how to create chemistry with a girl over text by using MASCULINE COMMUNICATION.

If a girl you like isn't giving you positive responses over text, this article is for you.

Especially if...

  • It seems like she holds all the power in the interaction and you feel weak
  • She acts "bitchy" and tries to be "dominant" with her responses
  • You want to take things further, but you don't know how to get her interested

If any of the above is true, it probably means you aren't using enough masculine communication. Once you do, you'll notice her give you better reactions and it will be much easier to get her to go out with you.

What is Chemistry?

When you take control and use masculine communication, you start triggering chemistry inside of a girl.

Chemistry in a girl gets sparked when you communicate with man-to-woman polarity.

Whenever you are giving off "masculine energy"... it makes a woman feel more "feminine"... which then makes you feel even MORE masculine and you both become attracted to each other. When this happens, you both literally FEEL CHEMISTRY inside your bodies.

When you get a girl feeling this way, you start giving her thoughts like "I hope he makes a move on me and kisses me. I wonder when he'll do it..."

However, most men just don't "get" how to act masculine.

This dog and deer know how to create chemistry
Instead of leading and being decisive, most men act too indecisive, they beat around the bush, and they act more like a woman than they man. They use too much FEMININE communication!

See, when you use too much feminine communication, you DEPOLARIZE the interaction and chemistry cannot happen. Instead of acting like a man, you're acting like one of her girlfriends or gay best friends.

That's why it's important to know how to inject masculine communication into your conversations and text messaging.

Because when you know how to create chemistry with a girl over text, it will be that much easier to get her out on a date.

Ok now that we've covered the basics, it's time to give you some examples.

I'm going to give you a few tips and techniques that you can start using right away. Sound good?

4 Example Ways to Create Chemistry With a Girl Over Text

1. More Statements, Less Questions

The first one's simple. Too many questions makes you lose your masculine "edge" and makes you seem more "feminine."

Of course, I'm not saying you should take out every single question. Otherwise it would be impossible to communicate.

What I'm saying is that some guys OVERLY ask way too many questions and because of it they don't come across attractive.

Instead, the communication becomes depolarized and loses its chemistry.

If you realize you are asking too many questions, think deep about WHY you felt you had to ask those questions. You see, when you are too REACTIVE and "permission-seeking" with a woman, you tend to ask more questions. Your tone becomes like a little boy asking his mommy for approval.

So let's avoid that, ok?

Instead try making more STATEMENTS rather than questions.

Statements are confident, assertive, and they dominate the conversion. That's why statements are MASCULINE communication.

When you text a girl "just had a cup of coffee brewed by the hand of GOD" or a statement about a funny experience you had that day... you are being the DIRECTOR of the conversation and leading the interaction to where you want it to go.

The statement then causes the girl to react and then ask you a question (a feminine response).

And now you can better imagine how an attractive conversation will go. If you are able to talk to a woman and get into a rhythm of using masculine communication, while she reacts with feminine communication, you can build the conversation up to a date, a kiss, etc...


2. Be Decisive When Making a Date

Most men are too wishy-washy with women when making plans to meet up.

Instead of being decisive, they become accommodating, permission-seeking, and they let the girl lead because they're afraid she won't like the date idea.

However, this communicates MASSIVE WEAKNESS.

And here's why...

If you're trying to persuade the girl to go out with you by "selling" the date idea and how great it's going to be... you're subtly communication that you're not worthy enough!

See, if a girl likes you, it doesn't matter where she goes with you.

What matters is the interaction between the two of you, the actual date idea is just background music.

The important thing is that you create a fun-filled romantic opportunity
for sex to happen.

If you feel the need to "sweeten the pot"... if you feel you need external things to convince her to agree to a date, the woman is going to sense you don't value yourself and she will lose attraction for you.

Instead of asking "where do you want to meet?"

say "Ok, this is where I can meet you"

or "Here's what I have planned"

or "This is where I'll be, join me if you want"

Instead of asking "what do you want to do?" say "this is what we're going to do"

Remember, you are the prize.

So be decisive. Set the date. It doesn't matter where it is... as long as you make the logistics lead to sex.

You're giving her a chance to experience you and the positive emotions you're going to give her.


3. Keep it Short -- You Value Your Time

A) Text conversations kill chemistry.

If you want a woman's attraction to fizzle out, get into text conversations that go nowhere.

Here's an interesting fact about female psychology. Women feel that when there's chemistry, things will happen fast. If they don't happen fast, she rationalizes you must not be "the one" otherwise "getting physical" would have happened already.

B) When You Have Options, Time is Precious

When you're in abundance and texting a bunch of girls, you don't waste time texting one girl for a long time.

No, you get to the point and make plans to meet up.

Whenever you're acting like you have an abundance of girls to date, women sense this and become really impressed. Because they see you are a wanted man of value.

C) Masculine Energy Makes You Aligned With INTENT

When you're in abundance and you want to get to the point, you don't get into wishy-washy conversations where you aren't clearly at least suggesting what you want with a girl.

Your intent with a girl is usually to make plans to meet and have a fun-filled experience that leads to sex.

Masculine energy suggests this intent all along the way. When it does, it creates chemistry.

Therefore, your text messaging should incorporate some intent. Your texts should strategically suggest that intent, make a connection, and schedule a meet up.

4. Masculine Energy Doesn't Wait For Permission to Go For What it Wants

The biggest mistake men make is waiting for more proof that a girl likes them without ever making a move.

They get mixed signals from the girl, and are unsure, so they sit and wait without ever getting her out.

But what really happens if you do this, is that you're AVOIDING getting out of your comfort zone.

You're afraid of rejection so much that you wait for more permission from the woman.

It's like you want the woman to say "Ok I have feelings for you, you can go ahead and make a move on me now, thanks."

But when you do this, you are letting HER be the masculine one... which doesn't spark chemistry at all.

Learn to embrace rejection. And you know what? Most of your success comes when you have the possibility of rejection.

Because EVOLUTION occurs only OUTSIDE of your COMFORT ZONE.

There you have it. Hope you have a better idea of how to create chemistry with a girl over text and hope this article helped you understand how to use "masculine communication" with a girl.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

5 Techniques to Create Sexual Tension With a Girl Over Text

Is a woman only responding with dry, COLD replies to your text messages?

In this article, we're going to talk about "sexual tension" and how to create it.

I'm going to give you 5 ways to create sexual tension with a girl over text.

This is ESPECIALLY important to "get" if women seem eager to talk to you at first, but then their excitement level "fizzles out" after a while.

You'll be able to use these 5 texting techniques to ramp up sexual tension so that the girl gives you responses that are more "full of energy."

What is Sexual Tension?

Sexual tension is the CONTRAST between ATTRACTION and ESCALATION.

When you're with a girl and you're looking into her eyes and it makes you horny, and it makes her horny, and you both want to jump each others' bones... but yet you hold your place and bask in that unresolved desire.

THAT is tension!

The thing is, you can suggest and give little clues that you want her, but you aren't completely being OVERT about it.

In essence, you are TEASING the woman by exciting her so much without resolving that tension such that she nervously giggles and ends jumping you and kissing you because she can't take it anymore.

However, most men can't handle tension. They can't hold it, so they jump too fast and kill the tension. Because of this, women are increasingly frustrated that they can't find a guy who "gets" it.

But you are here reading this article... and you now have access to powerful material few men will ever know about.

Because when you have the ability to create and maintain sexual tension... it makes women literally ADDICTED to you. They won't be able to resist it.

The KEY to Building Sexual Tension

Now let me give you the "MAGIC" formula for sexual tension.

They key to creating sexual tension is...

OBSTACLES that frustrate or delay the ESCALATION.

Let's focus on the two red words in all caps.

First, "escalation". This should be pretty obvious. When you "escalate" you take things to the next level, one more step closer to sex.

Second is "obstacles." And this one's the most important... because it gives you a clue
on how to build sexual tension.

What this says is if you are able to you create OBSTACLES, by using tactics, language, or texts, that delay the path to sex... then you are able to generate tension.

Remember, again, there already has to be SOME attraction for this to work. There has to be arousal for you to amplify the arousal with tension. If you've created zero attraction, creating an obstacle to escalation won't do anything.

Make sense?

Ok now let's go over 5 ways to increase sexual tension in text message conversations. These are 5 methods that create "obstacles".

Method #1: Teasing the Escalation

Whenever you are already texting "naughty" with a girl... don't go overt too fast.

Instead, "tease" the escalation.

Behold the "Pancake Tease" Technique:

  • I didn't jump straight to eating her out
  • Instead, I "skirted" around the edges by describing that same "eating out" behavior on a pancake
  • This created more tension, and turned her on more, than if I just described eating her out.
  • I did this online and the teasing STANDS OUT. Remember, the internet is the world of men with abnormally high confidence because they're hiding behind their computer screens.

Method #2: Inject Innuendos Into the Conversation

Innuendos are words with double meanings. These are words that have an "innocent" meaning, but also a sexual interpretation.

When you can get a woman aroused... but it's still "unclear" if things are going to happen... you create sexual tension.

That's what innuendos help you do.

Their "double meaning" ambiguity makes things uncertain and it presents an obstacle to the escalation.

Examples of Innuendos

  • ride it (ride the car)
  • I'm giving you a hard time (teasing you)
  • that's very big of you (big as in important)
  • come down here (to this place)
  • eating out (going to eat, not eating her out)
  • let's go down (to a place)
  • the test was so hard (very difficult)
  • new direction (sounds like nude erection)
  • getting wet (because it's raining)

All of these phrases can have a sexual interpretation, if she chooses to take that path. That being said, here's the step-by-step of how to make innuendos work...

Step 1: BAIT - Inject an innuendo into a conversation
Step 2: See if she takes the bait - see if the girl reacts to it
Step 3: It's ON


Method 3 will help you if you're about to go on a date.

Method #3: Building Tension and Anticipation Before a Date

This works great to warm her up before you see her.

For example, if you're going to meet a woman for coffee in the afternoon, text her "Hmmm, I can't wait until you buy me coffee today... the aroma in that cafe is so delicious and the creamy mochas are the best."

This text...

1. Stimulates her senses with descriptive words

2. Is cocky because you're suggesting she will buy you coffee

3. Gets her intrigued and gets her wondering about the evening she's going to have with you. It BUILDS ANTICIPATION


Method #4: Use Push/Pull Flirting to Ramp up the Tension

A pull is an "I like you" type message while a push is a "this is not going to work out" type message.

The mistake most men do is either they "pull" the girl too much by putting her on a pedestal... or they "push" the girl too much by "negging" her, and acting like the jerk.

However, when you alternate the two playfully, you are doing the dance of FLIRTING.

This makes a woman uncertain of how much you like, and as you can imagine, this generates massive amounts of tension.

If you are able to inject intent in the conversation while, injecting a few "pushes" here and there, you will notice the woman react positively.

Here's the 5th method to generate sexual tension.

Method #5: Blame the Escalation on Her

With this one, you make it all her fault.

Something she is doing is making you feel and act that way.

Basically, if you're escalating on her... it's her fault. If you're getting turned on by her... it's her fault.

This is pretty cheeky and clever because it introduces "plausible deniability." You playfully deny your intent because it's HER FAULT she is making you feel that way.

And when you do this, you create uncertainty... which creates sexual tension.

Examples of Blaming Her For the Escalation

  • Why are you making me think these thoughts about you?
  • Do you seduce every guy like this?
  • You're doing this on purpose... I'm on to your tricks little one
  • Why are you doing this to me? You're the worst. I hate you.
  • How did you know I have a weakness for brunettes from Southern Cali
  • Are you trying to hypnotize me with your eyes right now?
  • You know, it's really not cool to be so cute and charming. Not fair.

The lines above should give you an idea of the technique. I provide them to you so you can have "training wheels" to practice.

That's it! 5 ways to create sexual tension with a girl over text.

Well, I probably gave you way more than 5... so you're welcome ;)

For more attraction tips, go here: http://championsofmen.com/5-ways-to-create-sexual-tension-with-a-girl-over-text/

Thursday, March 16, 2017

4 Example Ways to Roleplay With a Girl Over Text

Let's face it, texting is super important when it comes to interacting with cute girls.

If you don't text, you're at a disadvantage.

One of the main problems guys face when texting women is running out of things to say. They run out of ideas, and the conversation fizzles out.

If this is something you're experiencing, keep reading because I'm going to reveal 4 example ways to roleplay with a girl over text.

First, let me explain what a roleplay is... and how to roleplay with a girl over text.

How to Roleplay With a Girl Over Text

What the Heck is a Roleplay?

A roleplay is back and forth where both you and the girl get into "character."

When you roleplay, you get into a fun, "pretend" scenario.

For example...

You are texting a cute girl and you are trying to spark her emotions.

If you send her something like "I'm at the supermarket... just bought some grapes... anything else you want me to get?"

If she plays along with "Yeah honey, we're low on milk. Also, get some bread and cheese"... then you have successfully started a roleplay!

Roleplays can happen with any girl... whether or not you've met in person (i.e. online dating)

How to Start a Roleplay With a Girl?

By throwing a "bait" text.

Looking at the above example I gave you, I texted, "I'm at the supermarket... just brought some grapes... anything else you want me to get?"

This was a "bait text" for her to bite on. It's a way to "test the waters." She can now decide to play along or not.

Let's go over more examples ways to roleplay with a girl over text.


Okay let's begin.

4 Text Roleplay Examples

Roleplay Idea #1: "The Mime"

Step 1: This one you start by texting her: "I need an opinion with something"

This does two things.

One, you give her curiosity bait. She will be wondering what you're going
to ask her.

Two, you put her in "autopilot" with this question. See, she is expecting
an actual serious question from you. Little does she know that you're going
to transform this into a funny roleplay exchange.

Most likely, she will respond with "what is it?" Or something like that.

Then comes the next part.

Step 2: Knock her off her autopilot and surprise her by saying something
funny and outrageous.

you: I'm thinking about quitting my job and becoming a mime

And now with this you've thrown a "bait text" with roleplay potential.
A girl here will play along (if she's a funny girl)... or she might
give you a boring reply.

Here's an example text conversation with the mime roleplay in action:

Getting Her Out

Once you've sparked her "buying temperature" (she shows emotions and engagement) ...go for the meet up and get her out.


Roleplay Idea #2: Future Adventure Projection

When you do a "future adventure" roleplay with a girl, you get into a pretend scenario where you both go on an adventure.

 For example, I used the following text roleplay sequence to get a woman's phone number on POF (Plenty of Fish):

As you can see, I was able to escalate the interaction to a number with intention of going on a date.


Roleplay Idea #3: The "Fake" Past Adventure

This is similar to the future adventure, but in this case, you pretend like you have a "history" together.

i.e. send her a cheesy romance novel cover.

Like this...

(By the way here's the link for the "romance novel" cover image that I used: http://championsofmen.com/images/rn4.jpg

Next one.

Roleplay Idea #4: Hire/Fire Her

Use this one to create push/pull sexual tension.

By hiring her, you are making her qualify herself for something she is good at.

The best part is, once she qualifies, you get her to INVEST in the interaction.

This then gets her to rationalize: "If I'm investing in this conversation and I'm still talking to this guy, it must mean I'm starting to like him"

How to Start the Roleplay

Whenever she mentions something she is good at... tell her that you're going to hire her to help you do (that thing she is good at).

By doing this, you compliment her but also coming from a position of POWER.

If she does something smart, say: "You seem like a smart girl, I'm hiring you as my personal assistant"

If she is fun, say: "I'm hiring you as my personal party planner when my friends come to town"

This works for anything.

Is she fit? She can be your personal trainer.

Is she stylish? She can be your "fashionista."

Is she a good cook? She can be your personal chef.

You get the idea.

Now here's where it gets fun.

Whenever she messes up. You can then FIRE HER playfully.

"Omg I can't believe you don't like ____. That's it. You're fired. Time to check out the resumes of the other applicants ;)"

Once again, this is all in good fun. You're not trying to come across as a mean jerk. You're trying to have fun while brightening up her day, and of course, making her become attracted to you.

And if you want more texting techniques to get women wanting to go out on dates with you...
go to this article here.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

How to Turn Your Female Friend Into Your Girlfriend

Are you frustrated because you're stuck in the friend zone with that amazing woman you can't stop thinking about?

When women keep putting you in the friend zone, it's probably due to 2 HUGE MISTAKES that stop you from getting physical with her.

These two mistakes stop her from thinking of you as more than just a friend.

They make it IMPOSSIBLE for her to envision getting physical with you.

The possibility NEVER crosses her mind.

If you keep making these mistakes, you will keep getting friend zoned by the women you meet.

But if you fix these mistakes... women will start thinking of you as someone they would get "physical" with.

The first mistake is...

Mistake #1: Hesitating to Make a Move On Her Because You're Waiting For More "Proof" That She Likes You

Look, if you sit around waiting for a woman to make it really obvious that she likes you... you will LOSE your chance.

She will get tired of waiting, and rationalize it's not "meant to be" because things aren't getting physical.

That's why you need to LEAD the situation to where you want it to go.

Yes there's a TON of risk involved... but masculine behavior is all about leading, taking risks, and making things happen.

It's what you have to do!

When you shamelessly suggest your intent with her, you are being MASCULINE.

Plus you demonstrate confidence, and she will appreciate you for it.

Most men "play it safe" by

  • engaging in long text conversations of "getting to know her" before making
  • any attempt to get her out
  • never even trying to flirt in a sexual way because you're scared she'll get offended
  • never going for the kiss to avoid getting rejected
  • never attempting to take things to a more "physical" level when you're alone to avoid rejection
  • procrastinating and never making your move

All of that is UN-MASCULINE behavior that won't get you anywhere!

Acting "un-masculine" stops you from creating the crucial "masculine-feminine polarity" that makes women FEEL CHEMISTRY when interacting with you.

When you know how to trigger chemistry like this, it makes women want to be around you.

But if you only engage in "safe" uninteresting interactions... women place you in the nice guy friend category.

Because you only never get into the *more risky conversations that spark emotions in her. (conversations like these)

She puts on her "good girl" side, puts away her "bad girl" naughty side... and saves it for the guy who can trigger emotions in her.

Mistake #2: Revealing Your Feelings, But in a Weak, Low-Status Way

Yeah, yeah, I know I just said mistake #1 was waiting too long and not being "aggressive" enough... but if you show a girl you like her like a weak, submissive, beta-male does, then that won't work either!

Because a woman won't feel attraction for a man who acts weak and doesn't value himself.

When you're weak and insecure, and you fall in love with a girl... a tragic story follows.

It's the same tragic story I've experienced countless of times.

The 15-Step Tragedy of How Boy Gets Rejected By Girl and Feels Sad About it Afterwards

1. Boy meets girl

2. Boy develops feelings for girl

3. Girl gives boy "mixed signals"

4. Mixed signals make boy confused with irrational, but intense, emotions

5. Boy gets "psychic tension"

6. The "Psychic tension" makes boy want to break the tension by revealing his feelings for the girl

7. Boy reveals his feelings for girl with "grand gesture" act.

This is an act where he might...

  • buy the girl flowers
  • give her a gift
  • write her a poem
  • draw cheesy portrait of her face
  • etc...

8. Girl says "awww" and mentions how boy is so sweet

9. But then girl says she doesn't feel the same way about boy.

10. Boy gets heartbroken

11. Boy moves on

12. Boy recovers

13. Boy meets new girl

14. Boy starts getting feelings for new girl

15. Cycle repeats...

If this is all ringing a bell, then you can relate to this experience, just like me.

And as we look at this cycle, the question becomes...

How do you break the cycle and start becoming more than friends with that amazing woman in our life that we really want?

Here's how you break the cycle:

You know steps 5 through 7 above? Like where I mention the "psychic tension" you get when you start to really obsess over a girl?

You have to FLIP IT AROUND and instead make the girl feel the psychic tension.

See, you want her to be the one obsessing over you... telling her friends about you... because she feels crazy attracted to you.

It's all explained here in this article