Friday, June 8, 2018

"Why Did My Ex Girlfriend Text Me After 6 Months?"

Question: "Why did my ex girlfriend text me after 6 months?"

When your ex girlfriend suddenly texts you out of the blue, your emotions get lit up and you are back in the game.

You feel you have a chance to get her back and you want to make it happen.

If you don't know what to do, you'll accidentally push her away and she'll lose attraction again.

The Reason Your Ex Girlfriend Texted You After 6 Months

If you didn't absolutely thrash your chances by acting pathetic or being an obsessed stalker, then your ex girlfriend might start to look back at your relationship with rose-colored lenses.

Meaning, she will more likely ignore the bad parts of it and remember the good.

As she wonders about you, she gets curious of what you're up to.

She wonders if you're seeing a new girl, or if your life has changed.

So she jumps back into your orbit by reaching out... and that's why your ex girlfriend texted you after 6 months.

Now what she says and the words she texts you aren't as important as this:

If she reached out and texted you, it means you have been on her mind and she feels at least a bit of attraction for you.

See, a woman will contact you in a very indirect way. She might not directly tell you she misses you, but her act of wanting to interact with you says it all.

This gives you a glimmer of hope of getting her back.

Now as you get excited about the idea of having her back, you must realize something very important:

The reason she fell in love with you is ATTRACTION... the reason she fell OUT of love was LOSS of ATTRACTION... and the reason she is back in your life is that she is feeling ATTRACTION again.

Attraction isn't about how much money you make... or how good you look.  The guys who get all the girls are usually NOT the best looking guy in the room.

It's all about the emotions you make her feel with how you carry yourself.

For instance, if you act a bit too needy jumping at the opportunity of being "in a relationship" again, her attraction will go down.

Attraction isn't an "ON" or "OFF" switch, it's a sliding scale.

You do things to pump up her attraction, or you do things that make her attraction go down.

When the average guy gets a surprise text from their ex girlfriend, they inadvertently make mistakes that make her attraction go back down.

The Biggest Mistake to Avoid is: Don't SKIP STEPS

Look, it's awesome that your girl is showing interest again, but trying to put a "relationship label" on the interaction will push her away.

You gota take it slowly and only think about creating dates that lead to sex.

Your sole focus should just be, having fun and hooking up. 

  • no "feelings talk"
  • no trying to convince her to get back into the relationship
  • no texting her every day (most of texting should be to make plans to meet)
  • create dates only about 1 a week
  • "LOVER" first, "BOYFRIEND" later

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