Thursday, June 7, 2018

Why Your Ex Girlfriend Just Wants to Be Friends

I get emails all the time asking what do you do when your ex girlfriend just wants to be friends.

In other words... the situation when you are in the "friend zone" with your ex girlfriend because somewhere along the way, she lost attraction for you.

It deeply hurts you that she is different now. She used to love you, you had a strong connection, but now she doesn't FEEL that way anymore.

You miss the intimacy and the sweet things you used to do together. You wish you could just bring it all back.

If this is your situation, keep reading.

I'm going to show you what it takes to reverse your breakup and make your ex girlfriend want you again.

But first, there's 1 THING YOU NEED TO KNOW:

When your ex girlfriend breaks up with you, it means she no longer feels ATTRACTED.

It all comes down to ATTRACTION.

And the reason she lost attraction is probably because you made mistakes along the way that made her stop seeing you as an attractive guy.

This usually happens when men get NEEDY.

You might have acted needy without realizing it was making your girlfriend lose attraction for you.

When you did, your girlfriend distanced herself from you to seek space... but in all likelyhood, this made you more needy, so you chased, crowded her space, and made her lose attraction even MORE.

Instead, when a girl fades away, let her have that space.

I know, it might feel like you'll lose her forever if you leave her alone, but trust me on this one.

Repeatedly texting a woman who isn't replying, asking her "what's wrong", or even texting her more to make up for the fact that she's going cold will only make her want to distance herself more from you.

Remember this next time it happens to you with your ex or in a future relationship, so that you avoid losing another great woman.

I know it's hard to give a space when she's fading away, because every bone in your body has the urge to chase her to get her back... but you'll likely lose her because you did TOO MUCH, not because you didn't do anything.

Staying in Your Strong Masculine Core

See, it all comes down to your "masculine core" and whether you stray off of it.

When a girl who acts nice and makes you feel good stops acting nice, and you freak out, she loses attraction because she senses you are WEAK.

A woman wants a man who's a mountain anchored down hard. Not a sailboat flailing uncontrollably
in the wind.

So when you freak out when she goes distant...

  • You show her that your eemotions can't handle her fading away
  • You demonstrate that your self-esteem depends on her being nice to you
  • She feels that if you become "weakened" by a girl who stops texting you, then you can't protect her from REAL danger

Ex Girlfriend Want to Be Just Friends, Now What?

This is what you do.

When your ex says she wants to breakup and remain as friends, don't accept being just friends... and then tell her to reach out if she changes her mind.

See, if you're not interested in anything platonic, and instead you want to be "more than friends", then you need to stand up for yourself and go for what you want.

This is a strong move where you come off direct and you leave the open for her to reach out in the future.

Then walk away and don't contact her again, unless she reaches out.

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